We have retained a Planner! He will be coming up Saturday June 9th. You are all invited to join us at 11:30 at 2024 Ledge Rd. Please bring your own lawn chairs. This will be a very important meeting regarding the up coming June 23rd Meeting at Caygeon Lanes. He will be offering us strategy regarding our next steps. Prior to the meeting we will be accompanying him to the site, through the haul route and to surrounding communities so he has a feel for the area and what we are up against. We at this point have raised the funds to retain Mr. Rowe but this will only take us to the preliminary review stage. Fundraising will be a must and we are as always still accepting donations (there is a donation box at the Bobcaygeon Chamber of Commerce) any little bit helps, cash, check, loose change.
As you have all seen the council has put notice in The Promoter and Kawartha Lakes this Week regarding the up coming meeting. We need as many people as possible to attend this meeting, council has to know that we are serious about this issue and have previously scoffed that only about 150 turned up against another proposed quarry. This doesn't just affect a small area, Bobcaygeon and surrounding areas will be greatly affected. Noise and dust travel, and the increase in truck traffic on the roads will be unbelievable.
I am happy to announce we now have a website, although this website will be going thru some drastic design changes in the next week or so you can simply access it through the url www.stopthisquarry.com
Looking forward to seeing you all Saturday!
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