Sunday, October 6, 2013

The OMB Pretrial date has been set….

The OMB Pretrial date has been set….
For those of you who may be wondering what’s going on, here is an update on the zoning appeal and Official Plan appeal against the Dewdney Mountains Farm quarry application. The Prehearing Conference with the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) is scheduled for December 5th at 11am at Trent Lakes Municipal Building.
We are still in disbelief that this has gone this far and, that neither our Township Council nor our County Council listened to us.  
As one paddles the “lake” at the Provincial Sanctuary here on Nogies Creek and watches the beaver swim under the canoes, there is a sadness that they may disappear…. sadness that the peace and quiet will be gone….  sadness that the authorities think that the wind will always blow east….. sadness that 180 metres from the Provincially Significant Wetland is out of the research assessment area by a mere 60 metres.
Since our Township Council has chosen the path of least resistance by passing the zoning by-law which will allow the quarry to proceed, so they do not have to incur any costs at the OMB, it is up to us few local citizens to appeal the decision. 
Help is needed in many ways...but financial is the biggest.  In order to make a proper presentation at the OMB, facts have to be presented at the OMB from experts in response to the Dewdney Mountain Farms expert reports.  These reports cost money and the authors of those reports must be paid to attend the OMB to substantiate their reports. 

Initial costs are starting at $15,000.00 excluding legal costs.
Contributions can be made at the   “Stop the Quarry” bank account at the Bank of Montreal in Bobcaygeon.  Those who are going to the OMB would be grateful for your help.  They are trying to represent all of us who will in some way be affected by this mega quarry.  Our water, land, roads and air must be protected.  This beautiful place we have in our backyard will be lost FOREVER if we don’t stand up and fight for it.

Quarry Committee

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