we would like to thank everyone who turned out today for the first day
of the hearing! It was well noted by the appointed board member that you
were ALL noticed walking, signs in hand up Hwy 36 to the Trent Lakes
township office! Cheers and a big thank you to all who participated!
Today evidence was presented by the proponent about the site plans as well as Hydro G (water) evidence... and if you were there you know there was not a dull moment!
But wait! It doesn't end there! Day two of the hearing is scheduled
tomorrow (Wed May 21st) start time 10:00am! Come and fill a seat! Show
them that just because day one is over... you still care!
hearing is scheduled to hear evidence by Chris Ellingwood of Niblett
Environmental Associates (Natural Environment Level 1 and 2 Technical
reports) and William Copeland of Tranplan Associates (Traffic)!!!
Check back for day to day status on what is going on!
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