Wednesday, June 4, 2014

OMB hearing - Day 7 & 8

OMB update: Tuesday was our turn! We presented evidence in regards to Species at Risk and the possibility of KARST (Caves) extending onto the quarry property. The Dewdney caves are ranked 31 in longest caves in Canada with 1610m mapped. Link to is below! Check it out! The day finished off with the townships planner explaining why in his opinion this application constitutes "good planning"

Wednesday was started with the conclusion to the townships pitch on "good planning" which we cross examined quite extensively! We broke for lunch and came gathers back to hear from the public once more! There were many great presentations and we thank all that spoke and all that joined us to hear what they had to say! See you all on Monday when we hear evidence on the impact of noise...Tuesday FINAL SUBMISSIONS!

FYI: another walk to conclude the OMB hearing will be taking place on Tuesday, hope to see you all there!

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You from the bottom of our hearts! We can do this!!!!

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